Wednesday, 4 February 2015


If a woman is pregnant or just thinking of having a baby, she may have a number of things on her mind. While thoughts of a blanket wrapped newborn might float around in her head, she is probably looking at other issues like bottle or breastfeeding, what sort of maternity wear to buy, and what names she might select for her bouncing bundle of joy. Once she has visited her OBGYN for her prenatal appointments schedule or simply to plan getting pregnant, her doctor has probably prescribed prenatal vitamins.

Vitamins are by no means necessary for the health of a newborn, but they can be an excellent safety measure to ensure that a woman’s body is getting all the nutrients she needs during this critically important time. If she is extremely health conscious and consumes the right foods, chances are that her body is getting the nutrients it warrants.

Yet, during pregnancy many women experience nausea and morning sickness or may find they have cravings for a variety of foods that may not be the wisest of choices. Therefore prenatal vitamins can fill in the gaps, making sure the baby gets all the vitamins he or she needs to grow and thrive.

Significant among the benefits of a prenatal vitamin is the fact that it ensures a woman’s body gets an adequate amount of iron. Studies have shown that most women don’t consume enough iron during their pregnancies. Iron deficiency can result in anemia, a condition that can easily be avoided by taking good prenatal vitamins.

Equally important among the component of prenatal vitamins is folic acid. Essential in pregnancy, folic acid has been seen to reduce the risk of birth defects. Fact, many doctors recommend that women who are attempting to conceive start by taking a folic acid supplement and/or boosting their folic acid consumption at least a month before doing the baby nookie.

Yes, prenatal vitamins are not a necessity, yet they certainly contain many benefits. Just one dose a day, you can rest certain that your bundle of joy is receiving all the nutrients he, she or they need, keeping his/her or their development and growth right on schedule, so you increase your chances of having a healthy youngster.

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Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Vitamins…Vitamins…and more Vitamins

Have you ever had doubts as to the positive effects that calcium supplements can have on our health? Well many people choose not to believe this fact, but it can be beneficial to all of us. The calcium supplements do not only help in giving strong teeth and bones.

You may have heard of coral calcium? I did not, but apparently it can help a great deal in preventing many diseases like osteoporosis. Certainly we must be careful not to exceed the recommended dosages as too much of anything can be very dreadful. That is the main thing when taking supplements, be certain to take the recommended dosage. Enough said! 

You will be afforded many different choices when you take calcium supplements. Long ago there were a minimum of choices, and we never had the luxury of all of the different brands. Supplements now come in sachets, powder, and liquid aside from the traditional capsules and pills. This fact can cater to those who have their particular preferences, so there’s no excuse here! There is a supplement vehicle for all.

Granted, you will get more of the benefits if you consume your supplements in liquid form, like all  other supplements. Spare a thought about that before you decide what form of the supplement to get. Ultimately, powders, sachets of tea and capsules are more convenient in our daily lives to take. You can still get some of the benefits the coral calcium supplement either way. Therefore if you have the time and want to take the liquid form go ahead; it would be even better for you.

It’s great that scientist and manufacturers have come up with better ways for us to keep healthy and making certain we get the right nutrients that we need. Please take advantage of this, it can improve your health and prevent diseases at the same time. There's nothing so bad about that, is there?